Interview with Luisa Castellanos, co-founder & COO of Science On CallRestaurant point of sale systems, online ordering, internet services – oh my! As restaurants become increasingly tech-reliant, Luisa and...
Interview with Omar Hernandez, CEO & founder of ONEBITIndependent business owners need a holistic view on their cash flows. However, capturing such insights across third party systems can...
Interview with Jake Bolger, founder of Spin SquaredMusic drives workout intensity. So, what if an exercise session featured live music, or an entire DJ concert?
Interview with Eric Villa, co-founder of StuudeoStudent filmmakers need their work to stand out. Film school can put the pressure on, where producing great work isn’t enough if the...
Interview with Gerard Panganiban, co-founder of GiftinityFinding the perfect gift can be very stressful and time-consuming. For any relationship or occasion, gift-givers need the reassurance...
Interview with Isabel V, founder of skinIVWhen it comes to skincare, there’s no shortage of what can affect skin health and appearance. Many causes, we can’t even see with our own...